Contact us

Biuro Polowań Dewizowych
Grzegorz Michalak

62-090 Mrowino,
ul. Kopernika 9
woj. Wielkopolskie,
pow. poznański

Phone: +48 605 361 922

Contact form

    I agree to the processing of my personal data by the Biuro Polowań Dewizowych „PONOWA” Grzegorz Michalak in order to realize the above application.

    The administrator of your personal data is the Biuro Polowań Dewizowych „PONOWA” Grzegorz Michalak. Providing the data is voluntary, but it is necessary to respond to the above mentioned request. The person to whom the data refers has the right to access the content of his data and correct it. We also inform about the right to be forgotten by applying to the administrator to delete personal data.